Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gender Reversal: Group Final Project

links to group members:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving Through The Century

1. Yuri Kovalov- "Deep Process" 50x40 oil on canvas
2. M. Takeo Magruder- {matrix}
4. Evelin Stermitz- World of Female Avatars
5. Sean Justice- Vessels, 2007- 2011. motion scanner images printed on rag paper
6. odin wirgin- unswerving
7. sachiko hayashi- Trapped
8. Thomas Peterson- Trace, interactive drawing
9. Thomas Peterson- Trace Ii- interactive drawing
10. Galina Manikova- The wall

Monday, February 28, 2011

Responses about Appropriation

1. In the first article "The Medium is the Message: Shepard Fairey and the Art of Appropriation", Fairey did not receive compensation for his work for the first ten years and was doing it for In the book Fairey wrote about his work "Supply and Demand", he posts pictures of the original work he appropriated from along side of his own work. He also included the history of the pieces to make it known that he appropriated them for the historical figure or event.
2. Vallen argues that Fairey is ridding the original pieces of their historical meaning, when really Fairey is enhancing it further in his pieces, and creating another related way of viewing the same subject, not disrespecting them. Both pieces can be enjoyed and not be considered plagarism because it always has a different approach even while using a same image.
3. I disagree with Vallen completely and feel that he has not really investigated the art enough to make these accusations. If he feels this strongly about Fairey's use of appropriation than can any image that has ever been made or produced be used again? Are we allowed to draw an invention because someone else created it and its their work? I think that he has an insane take on things and if people ended up following him there really would not be much more art to be produced anymore.

Part 3: final assignment

Photoshop Restoration



Monday, February 14, 2011

Adobe Illustrator tools

Rotate Tool: Clicking this rotates a selected path or paths 360 degrees. It is located under Tool Palette, keyboard shortcut R, pull out for dialogue box where you can specify what precise angle you want. To drag it around its center point, you just click and drag. To use a different point, click anywhere in the window to reposition it and then drag in a circular motion. To rotate a copy of the object press Option after you start dragging.

Reflect Tool: Clicking this creates a mirrored refection. It's located right next to the rotate tool. After selecting the tool, you select the 2 end points of where your axis is to reflect it right over the line. To get a copied reflection creating 2 images hold Option when clicking your second axis point. You can adjust the angle of reflection by shift dragging to make it 45 degrees, the outline will appear so you can pick exactly how you want it.